Call for Special Sessions / Panel Discussions – CLOSED
- Scope: the aim of the special sessions / panel discussions is to emphasize emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main tracks, focusing on satellite communications, networking, and architecture, with a special focus on NTN (non-terrestrial networks).
- Special sessions are also associated with the submission of a paper by each participant and should have a more in-depth scientific focus. Presenters are typically experts on specific topics
- Panel discussions do not require the submission of papers and have a typically a broader scope. Panelists have typically C-level or management roles in their companies
- The envisaged duration is in both cases 90 minutes.
- Submission and deadlines:
- Proposals should be submitted for review via EDAS in a PDF file, not exceeding 4 pages.
- Deadline: 15.09.2024
- Acceptance notification: 30.09.2024
- Recommended outline of proposals: proposals should concisely and clearly describe the content and objectives of the special session / panel discussion, and must include:
- Title of the special session / panel discussion.
- Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness and relevance of the proposed special session topics not covered or specifically addressed by the main conference tracks.
- A short biography of the organizer(s), highlighting specific relevant experience with the organization of similar events.
- Names, affiliation and short biographies of potential speakers, highlighting their background and expertise on the topic(s) and whether they have been already contacted or not by the organizer(s)
- For special sessions: an indication whether an open call for papers is planned or whether all speakers will be invited
- For panel discussions: all speakers shall be invited and the final list approved by the conference organizing committee
- Preferred day (26, 27 or 28 February 2025)
For questions, please contact us!